Filtering by: “2022”

CybeReal, Guillaume Lamotte & Alain Bellino
to 25 Jun

CybeReal, Guillaume Lamotte & Alain Bellino

La réalité est un terrain propice à l'imagination, et derrière chaque déjà-vu se cachent les perceptions, les visions et les attentes des artistes face à la vie. Que ce soit la valse tourbillonnante du pinceau et de l'écran, ou l'éclat du chalumeau et du métal, leurs oeuvres si extra-ordinaires et pourtant si naturelles sont toujours en équilibre entre la réalité et la fiction.

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La Vie Silencieuse, Patrick Cassar
to 5 May

La Vie Silencieuse, Patrick Cassar

J'élève ma peinture dans la lumière, les formes et les couleurs, un peu comme on élèverait une cathédrale.

Patrick CASSAR est né à Casablanca au Maroc en 1960. Rentré en France à l'age de 7 ans, il néglige les études classiques.

Rêveur indépendant, il leur préfère la peinture. Plus tard, il choisira la "nature morte" pour sa poésie simple.

Ses compositions, toutes différentes les unes des autres, riches en couleurs et en lumière, sont une mise en scène éternelle et permanente de l' Artiste en dehors des modes passagères. Il a choisi l'art le plus difficile, le plus extrême, là où l'erreur, même infime, ne pardonne pas.

Patrick Cassar est déjà dans de nombreuses collections de part le monde : Japon, USA, Suisse, Allemagne, Italie, France, Espagne...

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John Mejia
to 4 Sept

John Mejia

Mejia is a very elusive presence in the world of emerging artists. Discovering his interest and talent for art at a young age, he travelled across the ocean from Colombia to Paris for proper studies, but then decided to quit after a year and develop his own style.

His work not only embraces the classical brushstrokes, but also adds more contemporary themes and forms as he progresses with the times. His sense of colour is also a key point of interest, the way he shapes the images and echoes the themes, easily drawing the viewer into his world and making them long-lasting.

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FATUM, André Bourdier
to 15 Jun

FATUM, André Bourdier

André Bourdier is a self-taught French artist born in 1962 in Fontenay aux roses. After a devouring passion for poetry since the 70s.

This "FATUM" exhibition exalts emotional vertigo in an erotic, non-conformist metaphysical symbolism of destiny. The strength of HUMAN takes a break from the ebb and flow of receding anatomical trajectories, act or react to fate, fight fatality, in the face of our education, our culture, our society...

As such, the "GUNS" recurrent at this exhibition symbolize destiny, justice, non-conformism, the ability to fight fate… The possibility of diverting a situation to one's advantage, at the same title that the symbolism of the sword the "GUN" is the tool of this revolt are we ready to defend our identity at all costs. Abstract flowers symbolize life, the environment, hope... The very nature of humanity. The syringe and arrows, present in some paintings, symbolize education, culture, "the truths" of our society. They transmit their benefits or their poisons to us from our earliest childhood at school!!! like the bubble that reaches the surface and finalizes our actions and thoughts.

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